Learning Adventure

What inspires you to learn more about something?

One of the best motivators is having a high level of interest in the topic. Sometimes we get to choose that interest; sometimes the interest is out of necessity – like figuring out the best new appliance to buy when one breaks!


Developing a love for learning can make life more enriching, for a lifetime. God has put so much into the world that we can hardly scratch the surface as we learn about it. Each day holds newness for us to discover!


The older I get, the more I realize how much I have yet to learn. From a child’s perspective, with fewer life lessons under the belt, there is even more to learn. On an academic level, one of my family’s favorite ways to homeschool was through unit studies. In general, it entailed choosing a topic (sometimes per child, sometimes for the group) and having all subjects stem from it. Depending on the grade or interest, it may be a broad overview of the topic or a focus on a specific aspect of the topic.


Creating lesson plans for unit topics allowed me to use my teaching degree, and I am thankful God gave me that opportunity. When my children were younger, we used KONOS homeschool curriculum as the springboard for lessons. As they got older, we tailored courses for their interests. I could customize based on their personalities, learning styles, and abilities. It was a lot of work, but I had such fun putting it together. Seeing children so engaged in learning is worth it!


Learning with purpose makes learning more enjoyable, because a self-motivation is present. On a spiritual level, knowing that the ways of God infuse all aspects of our lives makes studying the Word and applying it all the more meaningful.   


Whether academically or spiritually engaging in the ‘awe’ factor with your child makes learning even more fun!