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Let's Get Along

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Let’s Get Along

What does it take to get along with others?

With greater intensity, our culture seems to encourage division within families, between socio-economic classes, and amongst ethnicities.

It used to be that older generations were respected and their wisdom sought. Individuals were encouraged to get along and appreciate their differences while valuing each other’s life. Sadly, the social climate, perpetuated by leaders, organizations, schools, and social media, are hitting hard against this.

Holding on to actual, perceived, or invented injustices stirs up bitterness and division. Evil is at the root.


As people who worship the one true God, we need to teach our children what God sets as truth and what he says about getting along with others. This may seem obvious, but sin often discreetly oozes in between cracks and subtly dissolves what was once godly standards. We need to be proactive in guiding the future generations in what God desires. As difficult as it may be to hear, God’s holiness does not suggest, it commands. As omniscient creator, God knows what is right and good for us.


When we remember that we are sinners saved by God’s grace, forgiven and loved, we should be overwhelmed by that! Because Jesus knew the extent of his sacrifice, he spoke much about forgiveness. For example, in Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus gives a parable about an unmerciful servant who was forgiven much but then failed to forgive another owing a much lesser debt. In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus’ teaching on prayer, he puts great emphasis on forgiving others as the Father has forgiven us.


Forgiving others goes hand in hand with loving others, and it opens the door to getting along with them. When we forgive, we demonstrate humility toward another. When we forgive, we offer gratitude to God for his forgiveness of our sin. When we forgive, we acknowledge that we hurt others also, sometimes unintentionally and sometimes intentionally.


As Jesus taught, let’s pray to God: “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us” (Luke 11:4 NIV, letter F in Do LAPS!). And, let’s put this forgiveness into practice: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sin” (1 Peter 4:8 NIV, letter A in Do LAPS!). As we meditate on and act on these godly instructions, we will be modeling to the next generation how to get along with others. This may even be a starting place for pointing others to Jesus.


Find out how using Do LAPS! with your children can help them grow in God’s truth!