Heart Training

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Looking Up

Did you have someone you looked up to when you were young?

Even as we grow up, it is helpful to have a good role model to emulate.


For Christians, our perfect role model is Jesus himself as he lived amongst the people he created. He modeled how to talk with the Father, how to wait on God’s timing, how to serve, how to forgive, how to interact with people – how to live! Hebrews 4:15 tells us that Jesus was even tempted as we are, but he never sinned. He also understands that we are weak without him, without the Holy Spirit at work within us. “Remain in me,” he says, “and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit on its own, it must remain in the vine; neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (John 15:4 NIV).


Godliness is living a fruitful life in obedience to Jesus, as defined by Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah. Timothy of the New Testament urges us to train for godliness.  Are you, believer, in training – remaining in Jesus, in obedience to him, and bearing spiritual fruit?


Many people would rather not talk about godliness, because to them it seems too “stiff” and unwelcoming, harsh and overbearing. Sadly, many are misled, or choose out of ignorance or defiance, to think they can live how they want while professing to be a Christian. But Jesus says we need to die to ourselves in order to follow him. If we look at the Bible as a whole and who God is, we see that God is indeed demanding of obedience to him while at the same time being merciful in his great love and forgiveness.


As ones who follow Christ, we choose daily to submit to him, to put ourselves aside and put on Christ. It is not the easy walk on a wide path, but it is the way of obedience to God. As we serve God, we desire godliness, and it is cultivated by the work of the Holy Spirit within us. When we choose to train for godliness by obeying God in love and reverence, we bear fruit of the Spirit, not of the flesh.


We can demonstrate the power of the gospel, dying to sin and living for Jesus. May the light of Jesus shine through us, pointing others to the Savior.