Brain Workout

What helps you remember something?

Tying a string on your finger would not be considered a top strategy, because you may forget why you tied it there in the first place!

Having a good memory makes so much in life easier, doesn’t it? From people’s names and recipes, to directions and medical needs, a quick recall of information makes situations less stressful.

Thankfully, God created our brains with the ability to continually learn and retain new information – but he gave us responsibility toward that end. According to the mental health non-profit HelpGuide, in order to give your brain a good workout, a brain-boosting activity must: be something new to learn, be challenging, be a skill you can build on, and be rewarding.

As we remember God’s truths in Scripture – to recall them for edification and obedience – we can give our brain a good workout by:

-          memorizing Bible verses that are new to us

-          challenging ourselves to memorize verses with their references

-          growing a library of memorized verses

-          experiencing the Holy Spirit’s work as he brings these verses to mind in daily circumstances.

Isn’t it remarkable that memorizing scriptures fits the bill for a mental workout?!

Too many Christians say they can’t memorize verses, are too old to memorize verses, or don’t need to memorize verses. Don’t buy into that! Just like we make time for what is important to us, we remember what is important to us. Different skill levels may yield varying results, but we can remember what God wants us to know.

God continually told his children, the Israelites, to faithfully obey him by walking in his ways, so that it will go well for them. God still wants our hearts to be in submission to him, which means honoring him by obedience. Jesus lovingly works in us through the Holy Spirit to produce fruit consistent with a life that honors God.

In order to submit, we need to know what God desires of us. Keep on Track was written to help us believers dig deeper in the Word in order to understand what God desires of us, based on who he is, and to hide God’s words in our hearts. Through reading, speaking, understanding, writing, drawing, praying, repetition, and music, God’s word effectively remains in our mind and our heart as we ‘keep on track’ with our spiritual training.

Now that’s a workout for your brain and your heart!