Keep in Mind

How wonderful it would be to have a continually positive mindset!

But just as we don’t always see through rose-colored glasses, we don’t always hear pleasant voices in our head. Unfortunately, our internal voices may project accusations, lies, or false judgments.

The negative voices try to drown the truth and hope that is of the Lord. Remember, Satan is the father of lies and the accuser. He does not want our minds “set on things above.” Allowing our self, rather than Jesus, to be our focal point can cause us to think negatively about someone else – subconsciously that justifies us. Perhaps we criticize someone’s ways because we think our ways are the best. The desire to control can manifest in being critical of others.

As the Holy Spirit works in us, we must choose submission to God and deny ourselves the seat of control. God’s discipline and mercy lovingly allow us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. “God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness… it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:10b-11 NIV).

Living daily in holiness, set apart for the Lord, takes effort as we work against our selfish tendencies. But, little by little, this becomes more natural as our attitude becomes more Christlike. Our motivation is best driven by love – love for God followed by love for others. That sounds like Jesus’ command in Mark 12:30 to love God with our whole being and to love others.

Do you know the acronym JOY? Jesus first, others second, yourself last. Coupled with desiring to be motivated by love, not self-righteousness, we can see the effect of a JOY-ful mindset. When we make Jesus our priority, pleasing him will be our aim. That means spending time in his presence, communing with him through prayer and worship, obeying him, and serving him. It means being silent to hear from him, as well. He is faithful to fill us with his strength and love, and he will use us as conduits of his love.

Loving others takes many forms. One way is in the form of not instantly being critical, but instead seeking to see another’s point of view. It means showing understanding and valuing the person. This entails being patient and kind. 

Having such thoughts is one way our mind is being renewed. What a JOY-ful way to live!