More Volume!

Remember the big hair of the ‘80s?

Were you one of the many who got a perm, enduring those hours and odor for a full head of hair?

Well, there’s more volume here at Heart Training!!

Not with hair… but with a new book to help children grow up in God’s ways!

Do LAPS! Volume 2 is now available for purchase!! Be sure to get a copy for your own family, a homeschool class, or a family you know who wants to raise their children intentionally in the Lord.


Did your family already work through Do LAPS!? If you followed the simple structure to focus on God’s truths each day, you saw first-hand how God’s words shape attitudes and actions as the Holy Spirit works in the heart. The whole family reaps the benefits.

When a family with young children uses Do LAPS! each day:

-          God is being brought into conversations.

-          The Bible is being read.

-          God’s ways and character are being talked about.

-          Obedience to God is being practiced.

-          God’s truths are being prayed.

-          A personal mission is being encouraged. (Remember, a persecuted Christian - a Bible recipient - is prayed for weekly and the global body of believers is strengthened.)

As parents or caregivers, we can’t afford to not be deliberate with teaching the Christian faith to the next generation. If we aren’t doing this, the enemy’s lies that are swirling around will certainly have a negative effect. Children need a foundation of faith in God and parents are to teach this to their children. Don’t think just church on Sunday or a random mention of a Bible verse is enough!


The Do LAPS! books were written to help parents be intentional about training their children in the Lord. Kids thrive with routine, and the Do LAPS! books provide a stress-free, simple structure that is meaningful and enjoyable and doable. Similar to the original Do LAPS!, Volume 2 has the same easy-to-follow format so busy parents like you don’t have to try to figure out what verses to focus on or how to make it a pleasurable, engaging experience with your child.


Do LAPS! Volume 2 presents more of God’s truths to your child! The 26 verses (plus a bonus verse) are different ones than in the original Do LAPS!, but they are still in the A-B-C format, focusing on a weekly verse and theme. Teaching for understanding using guided questions, discussing extra Bible passages for added depth, and praying the verses for God’s will to be done are still the solid base for laying the Christian foundation. To make the learning fun for your child, each week has a variety of creative ways to practice memorizing the verses and activities to apply the verses in your child’s life.

Your child will treasure the lessons learned with you as you Do LAPS! together.