New Year Resolution

Do you feel the excitement of new goals and endeavors for a new year?


Do you also, at times, feel a bit overwhelmed by it? Sometimes we doubt our ability to sustain our goal. We may second guess our motive. We may lose sight of its importance to us. We may feel pressure to not pursue it based on our circumstances or those around us. We wonder, is it really worth the effort?


Here’s a sobering thought: surveys reveal that most people quit their endeavor within thirty days and less than 10 percent of resolvers reach their goals. The reality is that what matters most to us is what we will choose to do. If there is a time crunch, we make choices. Sometimes we slack on what we say is important because we choose the route of least resistance. It is worth thinking about why we don’t stand resolute in certain situations. Assessing our values and living in light of them is necessary, lest we go aimlessly down rabbit trails.


The most popular new year’s resolutions relate to better personal health through diet and exercise, followed by better finances – all worthy goals. Have you considered having a spiritual goal for this new year? How will you endeavor to grow in your knowledge of God, fostering love for and submission to him?


Perhaps you will want to increase your time reading the Bible, deepen your prayers, memorize verses, or grow spiritually with another believer. (The Heart Training books can kick-start those goals!) These personal endeavors are like threads of our faith that, when braided, strengthen our devotion to God, deepen our love for him, and increase our mercy to others.


The amazing thing about a spiritual goal is that the mighty God comes alongside us in our pursuit of him, because he wants us to know him more deeply. In fact, it is God who works in us to will and to act according to his good purpose (Philippians 2:13). How’s that for setting the stage for continual pursuit of a spiritual new year resolution?


As a believer living in the Light and sharing God’s values, the Holy Spirit helps us to focus on what we know is most important. Let’s choose to live this each day of the new year.