Heart Training

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Own It

We want our kids to ‘own it.’  


We want them to own their actions and own their faith.


As children mature and take responsibility for their own belongings, behavior, schoolwork, etc., aspects of parenting get a little easier. When children own their faith, they choose to allow God’s ways to influence their mindset. Their internal compass, so to speak, directs them in making good choices.


As a compass needs its needle magnetized toward north, a person needs his or her moral compass aligned with God’s ways. Consider who is giving your children the direction for their moral compass.   

Are you filling them with God’s truths by biblical training and modeling?

Are you allowing teachers and other youth to set the standards?

Are you passively allowing social media and movies to form your children’s personal views?


Let’s face it – parenting well is hard work. It takes forethought with the end in mind, then planning the steps to reach those goals. As a Christian parent, teaching your children about God, submitting to Jesus, and obeying him in love are necessary steps each day. It is not enough to just step into church on Sunday. Parents need to sew a thread of faith throughout the week, teaching about the Lord and modeling Christlikeness. The small moments add up to a greater sum. Even the negative moments have the opportunity to demonstrate repentance and forgiveness. Living for Jesus in the body of believers – the family in this case, is a joy and a growing experience for each family member. Remember, joy does not depend on happiness. Difficult times and circumstances, in the light of God’s truths, are sustained by joy in love for and obedience to Jesus.


When you teach your child to own his or her faith, your child will be more inclined to act in ways that honor the Lord. You will see the fruit of the Spirit ripening – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Help your child step into his or her ‘own’ faith. Take steps to lead by example!