Heart Training

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Movie buffs have such fun inserting movie quotes into conversations. It’s not so rewarding, though, when the others nearby are not familiar with that movie and the quote falls flat…


As followers of Jesus, we can encourage each other with quotes we have from Scripture. Godly people through the centuries have provided wisdom worth quoting. Here are some worth considering:


“Unless the soul is fed and exercised daily, it becomes weak and shriveled. It remains discontented, confused, restless” (American evangelist Billy Graham).

We notice this with our muscles. When we don’t use them, they lose their strength and can ache from not being stretched. Have you noticed this with your mind, also? When it is not used fully it does not function as well. More important than our muscles and mind is our soul, giving us the capacity for relationship with God. When we feed it with God’s Word, worship, and prayer, and exercise it by putting into practice what God bids us to do, we will find contentment in him who gives us wisdom and peace.


“Trust Jesus, and prove your trust by doing whatever he bids you” (English preacher Charles Spurgeon).

We trust in things more than we realize. We trust that the chair we sit in will hold us, that the car we drive will carry us to our destination, that the computer we use will continue to work… . Trust in Jesus affords us peace, joy, and hope. How much do we demonstrate our trust in Jesus? Do we trust him with what he says he will do, and then submit to him?


“That’s the excitement in obedience, finding out later what God had in mind” (Dutch missionary Brother Andrew).

Putting our trust in God, who is sovereign and good, aides us in doing what he calls us to do without needing to know the outcome. God has so much better in mind than we can think or imagine, so obedience can be an adventure of allowing God to lead, confident in who he is.


“Obedience is our task. The results of that task are God’s and God’s alone” (American author Elisabeth Elliot).

What God calls us to do, he equips us to do in him. He calls us to faithfulness. As only he knows the future, he alone can bring to pass the plans he is working. Our job is to carry out the roles God gives us, trusting his leadership.


Do you have a quote that motivates you to trust and obey? Share it as an encouragement for someone else!