Strength through Prayer

Prayers bring comfort to those suffering. We know that for ourselves; may we extend that to our brothers and sisters who are suffering on account of their faith in Jesus. These fellow believers report that our intercessions on their behalf encourage them to be faith-filled and hope-filled while living in conditions hostile to Christians. Knowing that they are being spoken about to the Lord, from those who do not know them personally, ushers in peace and joy that can only be delivered by the Holy Spirit. When people insult them, persecute them, and lie about them because of their association with Jesus, they are actually blessed, because they will be greatly rewarded in Heaven (Matthew 5:11,12). “The Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials,” Simon Peter reminds us in 2 Peter 2:9a. The rescue could be during the time on Earth or in deliverance into the presence of God, which is the ultimate rescue. Either way, the believer’s relationship with God is heightened, and that is divine.

Let’s pray for those suffering on behalf of the Lord Jesus:

Heavenly Father, thank you that we have a family of believers united in Jesus. You intimately know each believer’s struggles and you meet each need, for your glory, with your love, and in your timing. For these believers being persecuted for their faith, we ask that they would sense your presence and comfort in a powerful way today.  As you have forgiven them, please embolden them in obedience and love to forgive those who persecute them. May they be deeply rooted and steadfastly grow in faith through the reading of your truths in their Bibles. May joy in Jesus override their challenges. You are faithful.