Heart Training

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Remain in Me

As you celebrated Good Friday and Easter, were you overwhelmed by the love of Jesus?

Thankfully, his love and power wasn’t finished at the resurrection. No, they continue to be evidenced through the Holy Spirit’s work in us. God grafted us into his family through Jesus, whose words demonstrate his loving faithfulness to us:

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (John 15:4 NIV).

This verse (letter R in Keep on Track) gives direction for our spiritual growth.

Jesus first tells us to remain in him.

To remain means to stay put, not just ‘touch base’ every now and again. This is important, because Jesus’ promises are for those who know him personally. After surrendering our will to his, in gratitude for his gift of salvation, we need to make a daily choice to stay connected to him. Our mind and heart need to be focused on things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:1-2). What we put into our mind will affect the perspective of our thoughts. Think about what you usually feed your mind during the day and consider if that portion size is appropriate or beneficial to your relationship with the Lord.

Jesus says he will remain in us.

Jesus’ love is constant and he will never leave us (Romans 8:38-39). That is exceedingly comforting whether the challenges of life swirl around us, crash down on us, or lurk in the waiting. Jesus promises to direct us, provide for us, and be present with us. Friendships come and go. Hardships test a relationship’s strength. But, Jesus is committed to his followers through all the ups and downs. His patience, his forgiveness, and his loving discipline allow his relationship with us to be constant.

As with a plant, we need to be connected to the source of life in order to bear fruit. Jesus provides us with the nourishment of himself – the Word and Living Water. We cannot do God’s kingdom work without being connected to Jesus. We cannot grow in godliness without his power, through the Holy Spirit, at work in us.

Just as in nature, God designed the plants to grow in his magnificent ways, so we are God’s creation who grow spiritually through his magnificent ways. Remaining in Jesus allows him – our source – to grow the fruit he desires in our life, for his glory, our good, and others’ blessing.

Tell Jesus, “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee.”