Resisting Temptations

Have you ever gotten a sliver that lodged just deep enough to not get out, and it smarts?

Sometimes we let people or situations get under our skin like a sliver does. That can mean the ‘smarting’ of aggravation or the giving in to a temptation. Some people seem to easily let the comments or situations roll off, as if they were wearing a raincoat. For most of us, and for most temptations, it takes effort and spiritual growth to not let troubling situations get under our skin. Understanding our weaknesses can help, rather than letting our flesh or the devil capitalize on them.

Sometimes we remember that Satan knows our weaknesses, therefore he knows how to tempt us. But, Jesus knows our weaknesses even better, and he gives us ways out from them (I Corinthians 10:13). Let’s allow God’s power to be at work in us, rather than slinking into what would dishonor him – letting a sliver of trouble get the better of us.

When Jesus was led into the desert to be tempted by the devil before his ministry began (Matthew 4:1-11), Satan was pushing Jesus’ buttons. He was aware of Jesus’ human weaknesses at that time – hungry and thirsty while eager to begin his ministry. Satan tempted Jesus with the satisfactions of food, proof of the Father’s care, and power.

How did Jesus deal with Satan as he got under his skin, so to speak? Jesus quoted Scripture. He knew his Father’s will, provision, and honor. What an example for us to be near to God and stand firm on his promises. Hebrews 2:18 tells us that because Jesus, like us, suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help us. By the power of his Spirit who helps us become more like him, who did not sin nor have even the desire to sin, Jesus is able to help us in our temptations. We do not have to feel helpless when we are tempted in any way. What a mighty and compassionate God we serve!

Let’s face it – it can be hard to resist temptations, the things that turn us away from the Lord. We deal with our humanness and evil daily. But, we serve Jesus, who paid the price for our sin and conquered it by his resurrection! He also gives us spiritual armor to resist the devil (Ephesians 6:13-18). We are protected in the Lord by our salvation, faith, righteousness, the Word of God, and prayer.

As we believers are being conformed to Jesus’ likeness through the power of the Holy Spirit who works all things for good (Romans 8:28, 29), we can choose to resist temptation and not let the slivers that can lead to trouble ‘outsmart’ us.