Christmas celebrations come in many varieties and degrees of meaning. For Christian converts in regions such as Iraq, China, Bhutan, or Morrocco, proclaiming and celebrating the birth of Jesus is a challenge that may come with false accusations, imprisonment, or worse. Despite the risk, these Christian brothers and sisters meet secretly to worship Jesus – who provides them hope, healing, and courage while understanding their struggle with secrecy, risk, and persecution. May the faithful example of these believers be an inspiration to us, in our freedom, as we share the good news of celebrating Jesus this Christmas season.
Let’s pray for those worshiping in secret:
Our gracious and just God, thank you for providing Jesus as the way for us to be in communion with you. You are with each of your children who celebrates in secret the Savior of the world. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, may these Christian brothers and sisters of ours sense your abiding presence (Psalm 23:4). Give them hearts full of praise (Psalm 104:33), even if with muffled voices. Strengthen them in your power as they face opposition (Ephesians 6:10-11). Bless them with your gifts of love, joy, and peace (Galatians 5:22). May our hearts be united with them and with one voice worship Jesus.
Order a Heart Training book and pray each week for a believer in a hostile region who is reading God’s Word in order to know him more.