Struggle in India

Christian persecution continues to be prevalent in India, ranked 11th on the World Watch List. Hindu nationalists are becoming more forward and violent in trying to force Christians to convert to Hinduism or face imprisonment or even death. There are many accounts of pastors being beaten and taken to prison. Some of the believers that were murdered became followers of Jesus just a few years prior and God used them mightily in a brief span of time among their people. Their witness as Christians led others to the Lord and they brought together believers for the study of God’s Word and prayer. Despite the hardships endured, their wives and families see God’s hand of protection and they stand firm in their faith.

Let’s pray for our Indian brothers and sisters:

God, our defender and protector, you deeply love each of your children. We bring before you our Christian brothers and sisters in India. As they live in a culture of many false gods, you know all about the risks they suffer to serve you as the one true God. Bless their relationship with you as they grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. You have given your reward to those who gave up their lives for your sake. For their family members left behind, please sustain them, strengthen them, and protect them against the spiritual forces of evil and the physical dangers. By your Holy Spirit, give them the ability to forgive their persecutors and may their witness draw others to Jesus.