A Personal Connection

As grand and holy as God is, he desires a personal connection with each of us.

God, the great and mighty creator of the universe, is relational. Isn’t that amazing to ponder?


The pages of the Bible recount the extent to which God went in order to have communion with us.

God did not create the world and then leave us to fend for ourselves.

He does not give us aid or a blessing and then leave us to fend for ourselves.

He does not tell us we are not good enough and then leave us to fend for ourselves.

His loving faithfulness, and Jesus’ sacrifice, allow us to be in relationship with him.


This is worth more than a Christmas/Easter/Sunday meditation. It is worth pondering each day, because it will shape our mindset and heart’s focus. This demonstration of God’s love for us ought to be motivation for us to meaningfully connect with him each day. He longs to meet with us, and the outcome of this desire offers us joy, comfort, and strength.


In 1954, minister Robert Boyd Munger penned a compelling writing, “My Heart Christ’s Home,” about giving Jesus permission to take control of our heart. When we accept him as Savior and Lord, Jesus desires to clean all the ‘rooms’ of our heart for his glory and our good. One of the poignant scenarios in Munger’s writing pictures Jesus sitting in the ‘drawing room’ of the heart. He is waiting there each day to meet with the believer. At first, the believer is eager to meet with Jesus and learn from him through his Word and prayer. As time goes on, however, and responsibilities or desires fill each day, it becomes too easy to quickly pass by Jesus. Does this sound familiar?


Our faithful Jesus is there, waiting. Jesus longs to have that relationship-building time with us. He loves us.


It may be challenging at times to keep our relationship with God in our main focus because we cannot physically see him. We see ourselves and we see others; we hear others’ voices and we hear ourselves. Because of this, we need to be fully built up by God’s truths so that the spiritual realm impresses us more than the physical and temporal. We can develop our relationship with God by spending time in the Word and communing with him in prayer and praise. And when we remain in him, Jesus promises that we will grow in him and bear fruit (John 15:4).


The more often we choose to spend time in the Lord’s presence, the more we will desire his presence. This relationship is eternally worth the daily commitment!