Manual for Life

Have you ever been stumped trying to put together something new and then finally pull out the instructions?


If only there was a manual for life! Would you read it if there was one? Some consider the Bible ‘Life’s Instruction Manual.’ It does give many instructions – God’s commands on how to live by his standards, voiced through: God, the prophets, God’s chosen leaders, Jesus, and the apostles. The Bible presents so much more, though, than what an instruction manual would give.


As we read the Bible, we learn about background information, personal accounts, history recaps, advice, what we need, and, woven throughout the Bible, the God who meets our need! We learn who God is, not only by how he describes himself, but we learn of his character as he carried out his will in the world and in his people, since the beginning of creation through what is prophesied at the end times. If we do not take time to read God’s Word, we may never know the amazing ways God has proven himself as creator, sustainer, healer, judge, savior, and so much more.


As we read the Bible, we come to understand that we can trust God with our own life, recognizing his omniscience and sovereignty. We come to see how God is faithful in who he is; this same God who worked in the past is able to work in our present! But, if we do not read the history, we may not have a good grasp on that concept, and our faith may be a little less tightly woven.


We cannot base our faith on just our experiences, nor only hear from God in our experiences. We need to hear from God through his Word. The American Bible Society put out their ‘State of the Bible USA’ 2023 report. One finding that is noteworthy, and disappointing, is that only about 30% of Gen Z respondents (born between the mid-1990s and 2012) interact with their Bible on their own, outside of a church service, at least three times a year. (Is that minimal amount of use effective?) Of all American adults surveyed, 24% read their Bible on their own at least once a week, outside of a church service.


Survey your own Bible use. Are you regularly reading God’s Word to form and grow your faith?

Get in a daily routine of Bible reading! The Heart Training books provide a simple yet effective way to set a routine of reading of God’s Word each day, meditating on it to grow your faith.