The Meeting

Jesus is compassionate enough to meet us where we are and loves us enough to lead us to God’s best. For our persecuted brothers and sisters in the family of God, they often learn of Jesus in a way unfamiliar to us. They are not sitting in a Sunday School class as children hearing Bible stories and singing songs. Some of them first encounter Jesus in a dream or they find a Bible and secretively read it, hoping against being found. They are not reading it in a building alongside other believers, openly discussing a passage and how it has impacted their lives. Before deciding to become a follower of Jesus and obey God’s truths, these believers accept the risks of persecution that come with being a Christian. They know that the hope, love, and truth of Jesus, as the way to God the Father, is worth it all.

Let’s pray for our persecuted family of God using Hebrews 10:19-23 as our guide:

Jesus, your love and justice penetrate even the darkest of places, and your transforming power in spiritually hostile areas expands our family with new brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for your sacrifice which brings them into the Most Holy Place of the one true God. May they, in joy and perseverance, draw near to God with a sincere heart, in full assurance of their faith. Embolden them through your Spirit to hold steadfastly to the hope they have in you. Thank you, God, for being our heavenly Father, allowing us to worship you in unity through Christ.

See how the Heart Training vision allows you to partner with a persecuted Christian through prayer and a copy of God’s Word!