The Reason

Choosing to obey is a little easier when we can appreciate the reason behind it. Most people like to know the why behind a directive.

At some point or another, children (of all ages!) like to test who’s in charge. Sometimes citing an authority higher than Mom or Dad can make guidance and discipline more effective.

As parents who serve the living God, we can point to him as the highest authority. Our own decision to honor God out of love and respect for him can overflow to our children as they see the main reason for choosing to do what is good. As they recall what the Bible says about an issue at hand and, then, choose to obey God, they develop personal responsibility through reverence for and submission to him.

God’s expertise is also a good reason for each of us to follow his directives! As the master of relationship building, he knows the best ‘formula’ for us to relate to himself, to others, and to ourself. Daily choices such as respecting others, being compassionate, and serving will follow from obeying God’s directive to love others as the Holy Spirit works in us. Within our families, applying God’s words to our daily life can foster his peace and joy as we relate to each other.


God gave the Israelites a reason to keep his laws: so that it would go well for them and their children. Parents were to impress God’s laws upon their children and talk about them throughout each day (Deuteronomy 6:1-9). The Israelite’s children were not the ones who saw God’s majesty and discipline related to the exodus from Egypt, so it was the parents’ responsibility to tell their children about it in order for them to know God, obey him, and be blessed (Deuteronomy 11).


Likewise with our children: we need to reveal to them who God is, share how he has worked in our lives and in history, and point out his handiwork around us. This will help them grow their faith in God and develop a reason to honor him, pointing to Jesus. As parents, it is our responsibility to bring up our children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4b).

Will you choose to carve out time each day to teach God’s truths to your children, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in their heart and lead them to the ultimate reason to do good?

Let’s choose to do this for ourselves as well, as we submit to our heavenly Father.

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