Training Partners

Sharing is good for the soul.

How about sharing one of your goals with someone?

I have found that sharing a goal with a friend has several benefits.

One benefit is that it seems to make the goal more tangible. Once the goal is out in the open, I feel more compelled to tackle it.

Secondly, my friend can be a sounding board when I may need a new strategy.

Thirdly, my friend can be an encourager by asking how things are progressing on my goal and by praying for me.

My friend and I can do this for each other, being an encouragement and support one another.

Studying God’s Word can be a deeper, richer experience when shared with another person. Having an accountability partner for staying devoted to daily reading, praying, or memorizing is valuable. Proverbs 27:17 relates that one man sharpens another as iron sharpens iron.

For me, some of the best times are meeting with a friend to share how God is at work in our lives and praising God for that.  We like to share how God is blessing, how Jesus is calling us to be more like him, and how the Holy Spirit is working in the struggles. We encourage each other on our faith journey, through the highs and lows, the joys and the challenges.

Why not invite a training partner to come alongside you as you train for godliness with Keep on Track?

-          Hold each other accountable as you keep verses memorized.

-          Encourage each other to keep on track as you grow in the Lord.

-          Motivate one another to allow the Holy Spirit to work in your lives.

-          Support each other in prayer as you grow in God’s ways.

-          Spur one another on toward good deeds as you pray for your Bible recipients.

Find a friend, a mentor, a new believer… Someone out there needs you… and you need that partner!

With your spiritual training partner, run with perseverance, fixing your eyes on Jesus.