Heart Training

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Why is That?


We think of young children asking this question ad nauseum, but we all ask it often as we try to make sense of our circumstances.


“Because I said so,” becomes too thin of a response as children age. For believers, this answer from the Lord ought to be sufficient, and God is often gracious enough to show us the ‘why’ for his directives.


As parents, we have the God-given responsibility to help our children see the world with his perspective (Deuteronomy 4:6-9). Giving reasons to honor God with our actions can help solidify the foundation from which our children’s decisions spring. As our children mature and, we pray, choose to submit their own lives to Jesus’ mercy and lordship, their heart will desire to honor God out of gratitude and worship.


We have the joy, yet challenge, of nurturing this within our families. It is a beautiful privilege to lead our children toward the things of God. Along the way, the Lord reveals many areas in which we, too, need to grow. Ideally, we model God’s grace in the process. Because we are works in process, we will naturally look back and wish we had at times handled situations differently, but God is gracious and he works in spite of us.


Wouldn’t everyone desire a home filled with encouragement, kindness, and joy? Some may deem this either shallow or impossible. However, this atmosphere can permeate a home when the Holy Spirit is present. With the ‘why’ for behavior being a matter of the heart, the ‘how’ needs to be a matter of God. To foster honoring God as the reason for doing good, reading and learning God’s truths are key. As we do, our perspectives shift and the Holy Spirit ripens his fruit within us.


The question, then, might be, “To what effort will you go to foster encouragement, kindness, and joy in your home?” These will flow from love and forgiveness; love for God and others, forgiving others as God forgives us. A valuable tool to help build your children’s faith is teaching biblical truths through understanding and memorizing scriptures. Allow it to be an important part of your day and a natural part of your conversation, because when we compartmentalize things of God (which is all of life!) we allow our children to think God is limited.  


Ultimately, as children age, they are responsible to God. Direct them in this way by teaching and demonstrating God’s love and truths.

Do LAPS! has verses, activities, and parent guides to make this doable and enjoyable for you!