What are You Exercising?

As multi-faceted individuals, it is important to keep ourselves balanced. How do you keep your whole being invigorated? Some ways you may do that are by keeping your mind sharp with brain games, your relationships healthy with interactive activities, and your body toned with physical exercises. What do you do to strengthen, not just maintain, your spiritual condition?


We would all agree that there are benefits to exercising each component of ourselves. However, it can be challenging to implement such regular exercises. Naturally, we like to be comfortable. The lack of instant gratification shades our efforts. Excuses are made to avoid the demand that follows the stretch. All of these desires stand counter to exercise – even exercising our faith. Perhaps we make choices based on a sliding scale of what we value.


The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the verb exercise: “to use repeatedly in order to strengthen or develop; to engage the attention and effort of.”


When we exercise our faith we not only focus on strengthening it, but also putting it into practice. How much do we value our faith? Having faith in Jesus means that we trust his death and resurrection to have paid the price for our sin, restoring our relationship with God. Think about how amazing that is!! Shouldn’t that make a difference in our everyday life? Our awe of and gratitude for what God allowed through Jesus ought to motivate us to both build up our faith and engage it each day as we choose to honor God above ourselves (Romans 12:1-2). To help us in this daily struggle to give up our will, the Holy Spirit works within us as we develop our trust in Jesus.


As Christ followers, our goal is to know God and obey him, as Jesus did while he was on Earth. Jesus said that if we love him we will obey him (John 14:15). We need to choose daily spiritual disciplines that will draw us closer to God. It takes regular effort – choosing to meditate on and learn God’s truths, allowing him to have his way in our lives. It is a choice we make. The more we humbly engage with the Lord, the more we will grow closer to him. Our faith is strengthened as we spend time with him, trust him, and follow his lead.


As we develop a routine for exercising our faith, time with the Lord becomes a vital part of our day.

We anticipate it. We value it. We experience the power of his work within us.

Exercising your faith is Worth the Effort.