Job Requirements

We have a joke at our house that ‘weather reporter’ is the only job where you can be wrong a lot of the time.

Every job demands learning information, retaining it, and putting it into practice. No business owner would expect someone to be the company’s representative if that individual knew little or nothing about it, right?


What about when the boss is God and the job entails working for him?


Can people identify as Christian and at the same time not know God or how to honor him with how they live? Can this label be attached without being in his company (pun intended)? Can people really be representatives of God and the gospel of Jesus without being connected to this giver of life? Knowing God better comes by spending time in his presence, humbled before him. We not only talk to him but we listen to him, learning from his Word and allowing his Holy Spirit to work in us. Fruit from the Spirit’s work develops and ripens, growing us in godliness. By God’s grace, Jesus’ transforming power is evidenced in us.


As Christians, we are to represent Christ, who while on Earth represented the Father. If we do not know God, the truth he holds, and the works he has accomplished, can we truly identify ourselves with him? In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers says, “We have a tendency to forget that a person in not only committed to Jesus Christ for salvation, but is also committed, responsible, and accountable to Jesus Christ’s view of God, the world, and of sin and the devil. This means that each person must recognize the responsibility to ‘be transformed by the renewing of [his] mind…’ (Romans 12:2).”  

As Christians, we need to be disciples – students – of Jesus, in order to learn how to live as believers. Being a student does takes effort. It does take time. We need to decide if our relationship with God, through Jesus, is worth that.

Each day, the almighty God deserves to be worshiped and served! Let’s set our sights on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. Let us be found faithful.

Do you need to jump start your daily time in the Word, getting to know God better? Why not use the Heart Training books? They offer simple, thought-provoking, and motivating means to do so!