
The most relaxing days for me were on a recent vacation when I had no work, no cleaning, no planning, no conflict. Rare is the day in which every aspect goes smoothly, with desired results and unexpected blessings. Life has so many facets; sometimes it can be challenging to “keep on keeping on.”

Alas, life necessitates work. We have to work at doing our jobs, attending to people’s needs, keeping healthy, having a good attitude, maintaining relationships, keeping a balanced budget, and making time for relaxing. Phew! That sure makes a day sound exhausting. It can sound like a burden, rather than a joy.

Jesus says that he came to give us not only life, but abundant life! It is easy to think abundant life is how our temporal eyes and thoughts measure abundance: daily schedules jam-packed with activities, thinking our actions are critical to keep Earth spinning. That, though, does not seem to align with Jesus’ provision of peace and joy.

As followers of Jesus, he gives us the Holy Spirit to help us live in love and submission to his will for us. As we take the time to spend with the Lord each day and have an attitude of prayer and praise throughout our day, it is the Holy Spirit who will be at work. Jesus says that as we remain in him, his Spirit will cultivate the fruit, including peace and joy, of a life centered in Jesus.  

Resting in Jesus encompasses trusting him for all aspects of our life. Living in a way that glorifies God does take effort – but it can be done with joy to give God glory, being stewards of what he has given us – in our body, mind, and soul, using the talents, abilities, and personhood he created in us. We should desire to take responsibility in living a life that honors God, as a way of offering praise to him, as Paul urges us to do in Romans 12:1. As only God can, he will provide us rest in him as we seek his wisdom to direct our steps.

May our grace-filled relationship with the Lord inspire our daily work and allow us to be a vessel through which he works.