Heart Training

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A Choice

Periodically in my home I will catch the sun’s rays illuminating the dust on my cabinets. It is not a welcomed sight. Each time I act surprised, but I must admit it is there. I am faced with the choice of either wiping away the dust or, instead, waiting until the sun’s rays move so I do not see the dust. This latter option is how the lighting usually is anyway, I may reason. However, if I choose to be thankful to see the reality, I may decide to wipe the dust off of the cabinet.

What will I choose to do?

This reveal and this choice remind me of what I choose to do with sin in my life.

Do I put myself in a position to see it? Do I choose to repent and turn from it?

Do I ignore it? Do I justify it within my surroundings?

This analogy I find to be so thought-provoking. I’d like to share with you a poem I wrote about it, followed by a prayer.

The Reveal

Oh, heaven’s sun,

Shine through my windows!

    You are welcome in my home –

     Until your light exposes the dust

     On my wood and chrome…

I close the curtains.

I control the light.

The dust seems to fade out of sight.


Oh, Heavenly Son,

Shine though my heart!

     You are welcome in my life –

     Until your Light exposes the sin

     In my worries and strife…

I close the Bible.

I dim the Light.

The sin seems to blend in my sight.

      Fading, blending

     But not wiped clean

 As the sun shines through my open window

     And reveals the dust in my house

So the Son shines through my open heart

     And reveals the sin I espouse.

  I ask myself - will I choose to clean?

God, your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Open my eyes that I may see the wonderful things in your law! Help me to not conform to the pattern of this world, but instead to be transformed by the renewing of my mind! In Jesus’ name, amen.

 Psalm 119:105, Psalm 119:18, Romans 12:2a