The Coach

I enjoy analyzing movies, and I often wish I could pause a movie to discuss it every so often. This is not the most relaxing way to watch a movie, though!

Recently, I watched a movie centered around cross-country running. It is a thought-provoking and well-done movie, with themes of the power of the gospel, forgiveness, and overcoming obstacles. (Lest I spoil anyone’s movie watching fun, I will not name this particular movie.)

In this movie, a student cross country runner receives coaching about the course as she runs it. The person giving this step-by-step advice had studied the course and prepared advice for her to keep on track, with the goal of winning the race. He provides insight with pacing, foresight for the course layout and competition, and encouragement for enduring the challenging moments of pain and fatigue.

The coaching makes all the difference for the runner’s success. I cannot help but see parallels in this coaching as I relate it to my walk with the Lord.

As a Christ follower, I need to submit to Jesus’ ways and stay on the right path. Moses relays that we must be careful to do what God has commanded us, not turning to the right or to the left. Jesus said that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and that if we love him, we will obey him.

God tells us in his Word about how sin and the spiritual forces of evil will try to turn us away from God. Jesus gave us his example of being tempted and yet not sinning. Even better, Jesus give those who submit to him the Holy Spirit who will help us as we follow Jesus.

The Holy Spirit and the Word of God offer encouragement for keeping on track with following Jesus. God’s promises and faithfulness offer hope and comfort, motivation and encouragement. When we are hurting or discouraged, we know we can get the best advice from the one who created us.

Submitting to God is the sure way to get the right moves.