Above and Beyond

Don’t you love it when someone goes above and beyond what you request?

That generosity is like a gift received, and it can leave you amazed and grateful.

Have you noticed lately how God goes above and beyond for you?


We can get so caught up in our everyday happenings, having tunnel vision of things and people for whom we are responsible. God brings both small and big blessings into our life each day, but we sometimes hardly notice, let alone respond.

Can we spare the time to pause every now and again to see his generosity?


Consider some ways in which God goes above and beyond…

… with beauty around us. Nature is replete with various flowers, trees, and animals.  Even different personalities and giftings add color to enrich our lives.

… to remind us that we are special. He sends a kind, unexpected note from someone, a song that resonates with our emotions, a sighting of our favorite view of nature. He knows how to tailor the blessing to each person.

… in taking care of us. He gives us the people who love us, the relationships that bless us, and the Spirit to grow us. He gives us daily provisions that in reality are more than we need.


God is generous (letter G in Follow and Lead), as Psalm 107:8 (NIV) reads: “Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.” This verse emphasizes God’s generosity by describing his unfailing love and wonderful deeds. He does not just love us ‘just enough’ or do things ‘just enough.’ God goes above and beyond for us!


Have you noticed?

Do you see how God shows his unfailing love for you, in times of joy and times of sorrow?

Do you see how God does wonderful deeds for you, in times of bounty and times of need?

There are blessings in the joy and sorrow and in the bounty and need. God is so good to meet your every need in ways greater and deeper than you could imagine.  

Have you said thank you to him lately? Specifically?


Let’s reflect in awe and gratitude on God’s generosity! Let’s show him our awe and gratitude by the life we live, and then pass on his generosity to others.

Read the post Doing Good to find out some ways to pass along God’s generosity!