Eyes Wide Open

“Ready or not, here I come!”


Playing Hide and Seek with young children can pose some adorable challenges. They might peek with one eye when counting and think their shut eyes make them hidden!


Have you ever considered how such actions are used by us – when trying to hide from God? Of course, God already sees our position and knows our thoughts and motives. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight” (Hebrews 4:13a NIV, letter O in Follow and Lead). What an attentive God!


Sometimes we choose to keep only one eye slightly open to see God’s directives and truths. We would rather not acknowledge them in our independence and pride. Jesus summed up God’s laws as: love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39).


Do we think we will be excused from obedience to God’s laws, or that we can choose to honor him only when it is convenient to us? Too often we forget that Jesus said if we love him, we will keep his commandments (John 14:15). We need our eyes wide open – to see God and those around us, in order to love him and love others.


God has written his law on our hearts, so we cannot deny them (Romans 2:12-16). When we surrender to God through Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives us understanding and brings them to our conscience. Memorizing God’s words allows his truths to surface when we need them and to direct our thoughts as we make choices. God loves us so much that he provides a way to remain close to him. Isn’t that beautiful? We do not need to be paranoid, as if he is sneaking up to catch us in sin. He already knows what we will do before we do it (Psalm 139:1-4)! His desire is for our hearts be open to receive him, love him, and follow him with our whole being, at all times. No more hiding.   


David prayed, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law,” reads Psalm 119:18 NIV (letter O in Do LAPS!). With the eyes of our heart and mind wide open, we can be looking for God – his kindness, his guidance, and his directives. With our eyes wide open, we can see the wonderful ways that he indeed knows are best!


Ready or not, one day each person will humbly bow before Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Why not be ready now by submitting each day to God, with eyes open to follow Jesus?


Check out how Do LAPS! is an engaging and effective resource for helping open your child’s eyes to God and his truths.