Together in Worship

Do you experience the joy of worshiping the living God with other believers? When you are not able to meet, do you sense something is missing? Hebrews 10:25 encourages Christ followers to not stop meeting together – it is valuable to encourage one another in keeping the faith, in doing good deeds, and in living to honor the Lord. Worshiping, learning, praying, and remembering are important aspects of fellowship and growing in the Lord. Believers in countries hostile to Christians are not often readily, or peacefully, afforded such opportunity. In some places they risk being taken from a church building; in other places they risk being taken from a secretive location. These worshipers, however, experience the value of time spent with other believers. As members of the family of God, we can bring these brothers and sisters before our Father and intercede on their behalf.  

Let’s pray for these Christian family members who need encouragement:

Father, nothing and no one is hidden from your sight. You are holy, mighty, and caring, so we ask that you have your way in the lives of these believers who are in harm’s way. May your Holy Spirit bring them emotional comfort and strength as you hear our prayers. As these believers worship you in unity – not only with each other but with believers around the world, may they sense your love, your peace, and your joy. Give them wisdom as they gather together and protect them in your presence and by your presence. In Jesus’ victorious name, we ask that you bless them and grow their faith.

See how the Heart Training vision allows you to partner with a persecuted Christian through prayer and a copy of God’s Word!