Building the Faith

Who is overseeing the building of your child’s faith?

Do you leave that process to the people at church on Sunday mornings?


As a Christ-following parent, it is important to demonstrate that a relationship with Jesus affects not just one day of the week, but each day. By spending intentional time on the things of God with your child, you can help build a solid foundation in the ways of God and who he is. Your child will begin to see how God reveals himself, bringing about a sense of awe and a desire to know him more.


Barna Research studies have shown that Christ-following parents are eager for their children to develop a lasting faith, but lack guidance on how to disciple their children well in our self-centered culture. The research shows that churches believe responsibility for a child’s spiritual development lies in the home; however, the research found that churches place little emphasis on training parents how to disciple their children.


Do LAPS! is a resource to help parents invest spiritually in their young elementary-age children. Parents are already busy, so to try to figure out how to engage your child with the Bible can be overwhelming. That’s why Do LAPS! takes care of that for you. The layout of the book presents about a ten-minute, daily structure to help your child understand and memorize God’s Word, learn who God is, and put into practice what is learned. It has the weekly verses, daily activities, and ideas already laid out, so you can just bond with your children over building their faith. Of course, tying in the concepts learned throughout other times of the day’s conversation would be even more beneficial!

This investment will encourage a knowledge of the Word, a moral compass, and prayer, to name just a few benefits. By spending face to face time with your children, they will also know their worth – their value to both the Creator and their family. When mom or dad relationally invest in their children each day, other positive ripple effects will be noticed.

Start, or continue, building a firm foundation for your children’s faith. They are worth it!