
As a follower of Jesus, are you remembering your global family of God? Many of our brothers and sisters in this family suffer greatly for the name of Jesus. In numerous countries, governments and families forbid the worship of Jesus. Consider this news from Laos, for example, which is ranked 26 on the World Watch List. The Voice of the Martyrs’ icommittopray website reports: “In late Oct. 2021, police announced to six villages that Christians are not allowed to share about Jesus Christ and that children younger than 17 are not allowed to believe in Jesus. The officers took pictures of every known believer in each village and examined their homes, taking down any crosses hanging on the walls. The police also warned villagers that Christians are not to worship or even gather in groups of more than five people. If they do so, they could be “nailed on their hands and feet” or shot to death.” This reality is difficult to comprehend and disturbing to learn.

Let’s pray for believers such as these who are forced to stifle their outward worship and witness of Jesus:

Jesus, our Lord and Savior, you suffered here on Earth. In your mercy, have compassion on those suffering today. Be a refuge for the Christians in Laos living with the risk of pain and death. Please provide wisdom and perseverance to these believers as they worship in secret. May they sense your presence even more strongly now, stripped of outward identification with you. Reveal yourself to those who are not allowed to hear about you. In your powerful name we ask this.