Follow and Lead

Remember playing Follow the Leader when you were a child?


In the game of life, so to speak, we have leaders at every stage and we have to decide whose lead we will follow. When a child wades through the middle school years, there are so many internal and external changes occurring. It is at a crucial time of deciding who or what to follow.


The new Heart Training book, Follow and Lead, was written with this in mind. For these ten- to fourteen-year-olds, it is critical to know who God is so they can learn who they are in him.


Knowing who the Bible says God is, and backing that up with a memorized verse, builds confidence in God and also provides boldness to defend God to those who speak against him or do not yet know him.


In Follow and Lead, this is played out through an A-B-C format for character traits of God. What the trait means is stated and also what some people may think contrary to that. A Bible verse is learned which supports each highlighted trait of God. The users of Follow and Lead will also look up Bible verses that help them understand who or what they can be because of who God is. At this important stage in their lives, they will be able to grow their character rooted in who God is. A Bible story is also studied which demonstrates God’s trait, encouraging Bible reading and knowledge. Remembering God’s works in the past will bolster trust in the present and hope for the future.


As is customary with the books in the Heart Training series, the readers get daily practice being familiar with their Bible as they look up verses (not digitally). They practice memorizing the verses in clever and fun ways. They also have the privilege of praying weekly for the Bible recipient in a country hostile to Christians. Their role in personal mission is practiced through praying for this believer in the family of God.


As the users of Follow and Lead grow in their knowledge of God and in their relationship with Jesus, they will reflect God’s love and truths to others, helping lead others to him.


Do you know of a ten- to fourteen-year-old who needs daily encouragement in the Word and prayer? Check back soon to purchase a copy of Follow and Lead for this special young person!