No Surprise

Many Christians do not consider that believers around the world are persecuted for their faith, mainly because they do not see it happening. It almost does not make sense that persecution is a means God uses to spread the gospel and strengthen one’s faith. The difficult situations our persecuted brothers and sisters are in should not surprise us, though. On the contrary, we should be surprised if, as Christians, we do not face opposition as we live for Jesus. (Do we put ourselves with people who need the Lord, and do we sincerely reflect the Lord?) The disciple Peter, who calls followers of Jesus “strangers in the world,” writes in 1 Peter 4 that we should not be surprised at suffering in the name of Christ. Since Jesus suffered, we should also expect to suffer as we follow his example. In fact, Peter says, this should cause us to praise God, spur us to greater commitment, and encourage us to do more good in Jesus’ name.

Let’s bring these believers before God:

Almighty God, it is an honor to serve you. As you work in the lives of believers who live in places hostile to Christians, please give them fortitude to stay faithful and persevere in their faith. May they praise you for being their mighty fortress and their hope during their hardships. As they worship you during their troubles, open the spiritual eyes and hearts of those around them to see you as the true God and Jesus as Savior. May your Holy Spirit remind our brothers and sisters in Christ that they are blessed because they are following in your footsteps.