In Hands and Hearts

The vision of Heart Training is Hiding God’s Word in the hearts of believers and Placing God’s Word in the hands of the persecuted. With each book’s purchase, Bibles have been distributed to Christians in China, Nigeria, and, currently, Iran. Each week of the book’s study, you experience the blessing of praying for a persecuted believer who is reading a copy of God’s Word. Our omniscient God knows each recipient personally and is at work in their lives. According to the World Watch List, Iran is currently ranked ninth among the countries where Christians face the worst persecution. Iranians in traditional Christian communities are treated as second-class citizens and not allowed to worship or read the Bible in Iran’s language, Farsi. Those who have converted from Islam to Christianity are often arrested, imprisoned, and tortured, because this conversion is considered illegal in Iran. Within their own family, there are negative consequences affecting relationships, marriages, and inheritance. Bibles are illegal in Iran, so Christians who own a copy of God’s Word treasure it. Secretly they read it and covertly they attempt to fellowship with other believers. Through this persecution, the one true God is proven faithful and his gospel spreads!

Let’s pray, using Hebrews 4:12-16, for these Iranian believers:

Omniscient God, thank you for caring for and giving courage to each of our Iranian brothers and sisters in Christ. As they read the living and active words in your Scriptures, reveal your power and holiness. Help them to hold fast to your truths as they live for you in their difficult setting. May they approach your throne of grace in confidence through Jesus, who has gone before them as their perfect high priest. Bless them with your abundant mercy and grace as you help them in their times of need.

Find out more ways to support persecuted Christians on the About the Vision page.