Your Heart's Key

Who holds the key to your heart?

Is there a special someone in your life who knows your hopes and joys, frustrations and worries? This comfort and encouragement allows you to be yourself yet grow into your better self.

There is yet another who holds the key to your heart, desiring to be even more for you.


Thoughts of love often lean toward the sweet and endearing. The act of serving others then puts feet to this emotion. And a tougher side of love does what is best for another, even when it creates a difficult situation. God’s supreme love for us encompasses all of these aspects.



Surpassing people’s best efforts, God our redeemer loves us unconditionally, able to take our worst aspects and turn them into something beautiful… if we allow him to transform our heart. We can be “confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV, letter C in Keep on Track).


In Psalm 103, verse 11 of David’s song paints a beautiful image: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him” (ESV). The vast expanse of God’s love is incomprehensible, just as we cannot see the limit of the universe. His love also is not subject to change, as Merriam-Webster defines steadfast. Isn’t such consistent, abundant love reassuring?

Doesn’t that free us to trust God and follow him wholeheartedly? This steadfast love, we read, is for those who fear him. We are to “exalt the LORD our God and worship at this footstool; he is holy” (Psalm 99:5 NIV, letter X in Keep on Track). When we read this psalm, we see God as the holy, almighty, just ruler of the world. Such reverence for him should motivate us to humble ourselves before him. There is no better way to show adoration than to be in complete submission and “walk in obedience to his commands” (2 John verse 6).


“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God” (1 John 3:1 NIV). Have you thanked your Father God for how he has loved you this week, even today? Reflect on his great love for you. Then, share God’s love with others!


Give the gift of growing in God’s love by purchasing a Heart Training book for you and your special someone!