Heart Training

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Memorize for Change

Reviewing Bible verses from memory is invigorating and satisfying, not to mention motivating.

Hearing your child recite verses brings another aspect: a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Over the days and weeks that verses are reviewed, you know they are getting hidden in your child’s heart, used for God’s good in his or her life – sometimes to even hold us parents accountable!

It is exciting to see Do LAPS! in action. What a gift to see the impact God’s Word has on a child.

To teach a friend’s first grader key aspects of the Christian faith, I was able to use Do LAPS! Seeing this spiritual awakening on a daily basis, throughout 26 weeks, was beautiful and exciting. I thank God for the work he is doing in this child’s life, and I pray the impact will be far reaching and eternal.

Three exciting aspects have resulted that I can see in this student: his attitude and behavior improving, his relationship with God growing, and his interest in the Bible developing. As the verses and concepts are reviewed, he is making concerted efforts to have his behavior match what pleases God.

I am confident God is also at work in ways I cannot see.

The seeds of the gospel have been planted and the soil of the soul is being watered.

Whatever stage of spiritual growth your child is in, training in the Lord will always be impactful.

1 Corinthians 15:58 reminds us that our labor in the Lord is never in vain.

As your child grows in his or her own faith, the peace and joy of Jesus will impact your family, too. You will notice an overall more pleasant atmosphere in your home, more willing obedience, and less tension in sibling relationships.

God’s words, hidden in the heart, bring about change!