Of Great Value

A modern hero of the Christian faith recently passed from this life into eternity with God. This man from Holland came to be known as Brother Andrew.  After being transformed by Jesus as his Savior and Lord, Brother Andrew developed an impassioned goal of providing Bibles to believers behind the Iron Curtain, beginning in the late 1950s. His accounts of how God worked miraculously in all aspects of this ministry are shared in his book replete with adventures, God’s Smuggler. His inspiring and convicting life stories are worth everyone’s read, and the pulse of the book reminds the reader of the great value of owning and reading a Bible. Strengthening the persecuted church through prayer and God’s Word was God’s calling on Brother Andrew’s life. His ministry led to the founding of Open Doors Mission. With each week of the Heart Training books, you engage in mission by bringing before the Lord your Bible recipient living in a country hostile to Christians. Your prayers are powerful and effective (James 1:16), so engage in the spiritual battle for this member in the body of believers!

Let’s pray for the Bible recipients:

God, in your power and compassion your meet your children’s needs. Thank you for caring for each believer and revealing yourself to him or her, providing means for each to know you more. Your words are faithful and true, just like Jesus who sustains those who follow him. By tilling the soil of their heart, please root the Bible recipients in Jesus, growing and strengthening them through the nourishment of the Word of God (Colossians 3:6-7). May they experience the peace that only comes through Jesus!