So Loved

Jesus loves me. This I know, for the Bible tells me so! Little ones to him belong. They are weak, but he is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me!

When was the last time you sang this classic children’s song? As we grow up and our lives get more complicated, we might just need a little reminder of the truths behind these lyrics.


To start, tell yourself right now, “Jesus loves me!”

Sure, we read how about how, while on Earth, Jesus was lovingly involved with those he created. We read of how Jesus’ compassion compelled him to heal and do miracles. Let’s remember, though, that Jesus loves each one of us he created, and he works in each of our lives. Thinking about his love can remind us of why he came to Earth in the first place.

How do we know Jesus loves each and every one of us?

The Bible tells us so! We read in Ephesians 5:1-2, for example, that we are dearly loved children of God and should imitate him, walking in love as Christ loved us. His love still stands! “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 NIV, letter J in Do LAPS!). Getting to know God the Father and God the Son will reveal how much we are loved – how ‘wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ’ for us (Ephesians 3:18).

Even the little children were welcomed by Jesus.

He did not turn them away, though the disciples thought they were not worthy of his attention. Jesus made the point that we should come to him as little children, in humble dependence and trust. Jesus wants to, and is able to, guide us, help us, and rescue us.

No matter how strong and independent we strive to be, we are weak.

Our own strength pales in comparison to Jesus – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We must admit that we need Jesus! We know that his strength is sufficient for us because he lived amongst people and experienced temptations and yet lived in complete obedience to the Father.


Knowing the truth of Jesus’ love is vital, but experiencing it adds another layer to this truth. Jesus declared to his disciples, “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love” (John 15:9 ESV).

Yes, Jesus loves you!