The Real Ideal

Can you think of someone who, in your estimation, is the ideal person?


Perhaps you see a person with consistent integrity, kindness, and purpose.

Or, maybe you see a person’s drive and motivation for what you hope in your own self.

Our images, however, are fractured by less than ideal minds and hearts.


There is one perfect model for us, the real ideal: Jesus, the Son of God.  


Think of Jesus as he lived on Earth. Can you imagine being in his presence? Thankfully, we can read about Jesus’ life on Earth, both in biblical and secular texts. Should we not eagerly study his teachings and his ways from the inspired Word of God?


Recognizing Jesus as our savior from sin’s grip, ought to affect our being! How could we truly go on living for our self when Jesus sacrificed his life for our eternal relationship with God? Should not his love and sacrifice propel us to submit our lives to him? Believing in ‘Immanuel – God with Us’ should drive us toward change as we live in communion with and worship of God. “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did” (1 John 2:6 NIV).


Jesus indeed modeled for us how God desires that we conduct ourselves in thought, word, and deed. Jesus not only radiated how to live rightly, but he revealed how to connect with the Father as he talked with him and sought his will. Jesus’ motives were always pure and God-glorifying. He is the perfect role model for relationship with our Heavenly Father.


Not only do we have the gift of learning about Jesus through the Bible, but as his followers we have been given the Holy Spirit to help us grow in godliness. How often do we recognize the Holy Spirit living within us? Sadly, as impulsive, short-sighted people, this is not often our first thought. In contrast, Romans 8:5,6 reminds us that “those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on what the Spirit desires” and “to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace” (ESV). The Holy Spirit guides us in God’s truth.  


Being ideal, Jesus ought to be the one we look up to and imitate. We must invest in getting to know him in order to imitate him. As the apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:24 (ESV), “put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”


Spending time humbly in Jesus’ presence will always leave us changed for the better!


Check out a blog post from September 21, 2021 about setting your mind on things above!