The Good Fight

Thievery. Death. Destruction. These are marks of the adversary.

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10a).

How will we fight for good? How will we protect our relationship with Jesus and cling to God’s truths?


If Satan put up signs alerting us to the plans he was making, of course we would fight against his endeavors and him. Satan’s attacks, however, are often subtle, sometimes posing as good. In hindsight, we might be able to see more clearly how he strategized.

There are many ways the enemy tries to stop us from growing in our faith and living in God’s truths. Here are some examples of what the enemy takes pleasure in:

-          keeping us busy so that we limit time spent developing our relationship with the Lord

-          getting us to think we do not really need to meditate on the Word of God

-          causing us to doubt what God says, so that we are a little muddled in our thought process

-          making us think we are in control and know what is best

-          stirring up feelings of loneliness and utter despair


Let’s remember how much God values us! Jesus gives us abundant life in him, which is quite the contrast to the enemy’s dead-end ploys.


After Jesus’ baptism and at the outset of his public ministry, the Holy Spirit led him into forty days of solitude and fasting. Jesus’ physical state was vulnerable, and Satan sought to take advantage of his condition by tempting him with selfishness, pride, and compromise (Matthew 4:1-11).


Our Lord, Jesus Christ, resisted! He knew God’s truths and in confidence quoted scriptures to counter Satan’s temptations. Like Jesus, we also need to know the truths of God is so we can fight against the enemy.


Covered by the armor of God, which we must choose to put on, we are emboldened by God’s mighty power as we take our stand against the devil’s schemes. We act in defense with God’s equipping through salvation in Christ and we act in offense with “the sword of the Spirit” – praying the word of God, God’s truths (Ephesians 6:10-18).


“Put on the full amor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:11-12 NIV, Keep on Track letter P).


Read more about how God’s Word should impact us!