Says Who?

Who said so?

That can be a valid question when a statement is given.

When God says so, you can be confident that the words of the omnipotent, omniscient God are trustworthy.

Praying scriptures can be impactful as we align ourselves with God’s promises and heart. (We must be careful, however, to not take God’s words out of context and manipulate them for selfish gain.) When we have an abundance of scriptural arrows as weapons to use in spiritual warfare, we can more quickly take our stand against Satan’s attacks.

God’s Word is powerful. Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword of the Spirit is the word of God.

God wants us to want what he wants.

Praying Bible verses can steer me toward God’s desires. Sometimes in my emotions and short-sightedness I need help seeing the bigger picture. Asking God to examine my heart and my mind reveals my sin so that I can repent. Coming before the holy God with a clean and submissive heart is key for God to hear me.

I find it exciting to recall times in which the the Holy Spirit brought to my mind verses that, in a moment of almost choosing selfishness, redirect my thoughts. Sometimes, I silently cried out for God’s help to do his will. Other times, the Spirit just brought God’s will to my mind. I am grateful for those moments.

 As I reread my old prayer journals, God’s faithful and loving character is revealed. I see scriptures that I have prayed in situations and recall the answers God brought in his perfect timing.

God is good, and his love endures. His ways are higher than ours, and better.

In fact, God’s ways are the best. We can be confident that what God says is true.

May God get the glory he deserves!