Hiding and Placing

‘Hiding God’s Word in the hearts of believers and placing God’s Word in the hands of the persecuted' is the vision of Heart Training.


We are blessed to have God’s words in written form for us to know who God is, how he has worked, who we are in him, and how we can be in relationship with him.

The Bible is sometimes called a map for life, a compass, a love letter from God… It is the final written authority for our lives.

We should be zealous about reading it, learning it, memorizing it, applying it, and sharing it!

There are believers that long to do the above, but they lack a copy of God’s Word due to their governments’ restrictions. These individuals risk their job, family, and life for being a Christ follower and worshiping God. Yet, they choose to stand for Jesus.

There are also believers who take the risk to deliver the Bibles to those who long to have one. These transporters know the Bible’s worth and the receiver’s worth.

Each purchase of Do LAPS! and Keep on Track provides a Bible for a Christian in a persecuted region of the world. This represents the value of studying God’s Word and the eagerness with which we should be learning from it.

Knowing that you have provided a Bible to a particular person, you can pray for the recipient. We serve an omniscient God who knows this individual and will work in the recipient’s life as you pray for him or her. Doing so, the family of God is united and strengthened, and the one prayed for is encouraged.

Not only that, but you are wielding the weapon of prayer on behalf of this person. As you pray Bible verses for this person, as for yourself, you are aligning with God’s will for this individual’s spiritual growth.

Hiding and placing… and seeking God's will.