Heart Training

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Do you ever get discouraged with yourself? Feel as if you have let yourself down, again? We’ve all had those thoughts at some point. Too much of that mindset, however, can lead us down paths of feeling less-than or worth-less.

A mere boost of encouragement is helpful, but temporary. A change in perspective, though, can make the difference long term. God’s Word shows us our worth. And having verses hidden in our heart, at the ready, will guide us through the lens of God’s truth.

Our self-worth should come from our creator. Even before we submit ourselves to the Lord, we have value; we are made in God’s image, and he desires a relationship with us.  

In Psalm 139 we read the psalmist’s recount of God’s unconditional love for his human creation. Just think, he loves you and me even knowing our thoughts and actions before we do (vs. 1-4). God, in his kindness and omniscience, will not let us out of his sight or care (vs. 8-10). We have been created masterfully and knowingly (vs. 14-15). You and I have purpose as we live (vs. 16). Those truths should stir in us feelings of being valued and loved! As One who does not change like shifting shadows (as James 1:17 reminds us), his standard of how much we are worth does not change with the times.

As we go through life, submitted to Jesus, Philippians 1:6 reminds us that we can be confident that God will continue to work in us. He began his work in us and will complete it when we are united with him, face to face. God’s love for us is so great that he chooses to do work in us to draw us closer to him. As our creator, he knows our potential and gives us opportunities to reach it. Let’s allow him to mold us through our life experiences, growing in joy as we seek him.

It’s good to remind ourselves daily that our relational God paid a great price for us through Jesus. As we live for him, let’s remember that our self-worth is entwined in him. That’s a perspective that highlights feeling valued.

 May God be glorified!