Worth the Risk

When you think about going to church, do you think of it as the body of believers? Do you get excited to be with them so together, as the family of God, you can worship him – learning, praising, praying, and serving? There are Christians who are so hungry to do this that they take great risks to worship Jesus with their Christian family members. Iranian Pastor Avedian, for example, is one believer who has experienced threat firsthand. Several years ago the Iranian government closed his church building, so he chose to hold church gatherings in his home. However, in August 2020 officials barged into their small worship meeting, seized their Bibles and cell phones, and brought him with the others to prison. In 2022, Pastor Avedian was given a ten year sentence to the capital’s infamous prison, followed by ten years out of prison holding no societal rights. This pastor, and others in his situation, need prayer – for themselves, their families, and those God will work in through these believers’ prison sentences.

Let’s pray for these courageous and steadfast persecuted Christians:

Almighty God, you are worthy of all honor, and we enter into your presence through Jesus. We bring before you believers, such as Pastor Avedian, who are not only counting the cost of following you, but actually suffering for your name’s sake. Your Word tells us that you will reward them for sharing in your sufferings. To these believers, please bring scriptures to mind so they will have the courage and perseverance they need to withstand the abuses. Give them boldness to remain firm in their faith, peace to accept your will, and humility to forgive their persecutors. For the families of the imprisoned, we ask that you meet their everyday needs, help them hold onto hope, and bless them with others’ acts of kindness. Use the situations our persecuted brothers and sisters are in to showcase that you are worth all worship and honor. Turn the oppressors’ hearts and the onlookers’ hearts toward you, Lord.

Check out various ministries, including Heart Training LLC, that support persecuted Christians.